Margins & Size dialog is where you can modify the size of the report, the report page margins and the line, letter and word spacing. To open its dialog, please click on Margins & Size under the Report Settings tab on the left hand side of the report. In the dialog, there are two tabs: Page Size and Margins & Spacing.

Page Size

This is where the report size is set, you can either choose from one of the listed options or specify a custom size for your report. You can see three sections here.

  • Paper Sizes section contains options for common sizes and orientations of a paper report. If you choose one of these options, your report will look like a paper sized report on-screen, which could also be ideal for printing out.
  • Screen Sizes section contains layout options best suited for viewing in iPad and iPhone devices.
  • Custom Size allows you to specify custom width and height of the page. Here you can select a preferred unit (e.g. px, mm, %) from the list. And it also lets you set the report height to ‘auto’ so the page can grow vertically to accommodate all your contents.

Margins & Spacing

This is where you set the page margins and spacing for the line, letter and word in the report.

  • Margins allows you specify the left, right, top and bottom margins of the page in millimetre.
  • Spacing
    1. Line spacing sets the space between each line in the report text. You can choose from one of the options available.
    2. Letter spacing sets the space between letters in a word. You can choose between Normal or Expanded.
    3. Word spacing sets the space between words in a line or block of text. You can choose between Normal or Expanded.