Data was updated for Crime, Claimant Count, Annual Population Survey, Key Stage 4 Results and A Level Results.
Continue reading IA National Data Service – January 2019 Data Update
Data was updated for Crime, Claimant Count, Annual Population Survey, Key Stage 4 Results and A Level Results.
Continue reading IA National Data Service – January 2019 Data Update
Data was updated for Crime, Early Years Foundation Stage Profile, Pupil Characteristics, Population Estimates and Projections, Claimant Count, NEET and Net Additional Dwellings.
Continue reading IA National Data Service – November 2018 Data Update
Three new datasets have been added to the system during August:
Continue reading IA National Data Service – August 2018 Data Update
Data from the 2014-based household projections has been added to the National Data Service. This includes the estimated/projected number of households from 1991 to 2039, breakdowns by household type and the average household size. This data, available at local authority level and above, is now available through the master table to include in your own reports and dashboards and through the data explorer.
Continue reading IA National Data Service – June 2018 Data Update
We have refreshed our list of education assessment indicators and updated to the latest results. These data are only available at local authority level and above. The data is available through the master table to include in your own reports and dashboards and through the data explorer. We are finalising changes to the local authority level education report which will be available shortly.
The 2016-based sub-national projections were released on 24 May. These are now available through the master table to include in your own reports and dashboards and through the data explorer. Note that we are providing yearly estimates from 2018 to 2021 and then data for every fifth year. Totals and 5-year age ranges are provided. We will alter the local authority reports (except for London users of the GLA projections) to include this new data in June.
The April 2018 data has been added to the system. Note that the claimant count historical data was subject to minor changes due to the minor revisions to the geo-referencing of Universal Credit data. See Note also that the mid-year population estimates were updated for local authorities in March. These provide the denominator values for the claimant count rates and may also lead to minor changes in value.
You are probably aware that the DWP are considering how to improve the measurement of unemployment. They are in the process of consulting, see for more information. We will review our approach to the claimant count data when the DWP publishes the outcome of this consultation.
The March 2018 update was released in early May. The April 2018 update has just been released and will be added to the National Data Service imminently.
The May 2018 data will be released on 12 June with the aim of addition to the National Data Service within 2 working days. Unless there are significant changes this is normally available the same day with the report updates following soon after.
House Prices
The quarterly data up to Dec 2017 will be released on 20 June with the aim of addition to the National Data Service within 2 working days with the report updates following soon after.
Population Estimates (at local authority level)
The 2017 mid-year estimates will be released on 28 June. We aim to have this available within 2 working days. This requires additional processing and quality assurance to provide the non-standard age ranges. Where the values are used as denominators (e.g. Claimant Count) we will apply this from the next release of claimant count data in July but note that the estimates will be applied to historical months where appropriate.
House pricing statistics from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) are now available! Continue reading IA National Data Service – 4 September 2017 Data Update
Population projections (counts) from the Greater London Authority (GLA) are now available!
Continue reading IA National Data Service – 22 August 2017 Data Update