IA Data Explorer – 27 April 2020 Release Notes

The latest version of InstantAtlas Data Explorer (version 2.0.0) is now available at https://hub.instantatlas.com/.

Version 2.0.0 extends the functionality of the data explorer for searching and visualising data in an InstantAtlas data catalog still further by adding powerful charting capabilities and a new redesigned user interface.


  • Improved interface with tabs to switch between metadata, table, map, time series and ranked bar chart
  • New charts to visualize indicator data – time series and distribution/ranking
  • Options to view time series as line, bar or stacked bar chart
  • Improved mapping functionality – within the app rather than as a separate app – version 4 of JavaScript API replaces version 3
  • Full control over which features and dates are displayed in the charts and tables
  • Improved admin/author control over which functionality is available to end users (via ArcGIS Online configure app)
  • Options to view tabular data in “standard” or “flat” format
  • Improvements to download of data

Bug fixes

  • Fixes for bugs when using Internet Explorer 11
  • Fix for commas in area names breaking data downloads
  • Other minor bug fixes

Improved user interface

The data explorer has been updated so that all data visualisation options are integrated within the app. Once an indicator has been selected in the data explorer, a series of tabs provide access to the different views:

  • Metadata: view a description and the full set of metadata for the selected indicator
  • Table: view the selected indicator for all available features and dates, and download as a CSV file
  • Map: view the selected indicator as a thematic map with different classifications available including shaded areas and proportional circles
  • Time Series: view the time series for the selected indicator using a line, bar or stacked bar chart that can be downloaded
  • Ranked Bar Chart: view a bar chart ranking the features for the selected indicator


Each view can be customised by the end user via a series of controls located at the top of the tab. These controls are hidden by default but can be displayed by clicking the  cog wheel icon.

  • Select geography menu: use this menu to select from the list of available geographies
  • Select dates: use these menus to select the range of dates you would like to view data for
  • Filter features: use this button to access the list of features belonging to the active geography and use the checkboxes to make your selection. Click X to apply the selection.
  • Table format: choose between Standard and Flat formats for the data
  • Download: download the data as a CSV file that can be opened in another package such as MS Excel for further analysis.


The table by default will show data for all dates available for the selected indicator, for all of the features in the active geography. The end-user can filter the features and change the date range using the controls above the table. The table can be scrolled if there are too many features/dates to show on the screen. The download button will download the table as a CSV file; only the data showing in the table when the button is clicked will be downloaded.

IA Data Explorer Data tab


The map will show data for a single date for the selected indicator, for all of the features in the active geography. The end user can change the geography, select a different available date for the indicator and change the map classification. The map is interactive and can be dragged and zoomed. There are a number of options available from the map area:

  • Home: return to the default map extent
  • Export: export the map as an image or a PDF – there are various options to change the layout, or add a title and other text
  • Basemap: change the basemap for the thematic map
  • Search: type in the search box to search for a feature in the active geography or a place in the map area

IA Data Explorer Map tab

Time Series

The chart will by default show data for all dates for the selected indicator, for up to 10 features in the active geography. The end user can change the date range and filter the features using the controls above the table. They may also click the checkbox to remove the 10 feature limit, although this may create a messy chart depending on the number of features in the active geography. There is a menu to change the type of chart:

  • Line: a separate line is shown for each feature
  • Bar: a separate bar is shown for each feature
  • Stacked bar: one bar is shown for each date and features are stacked

IA Data Explorer Time Series tab - line chart
IA Data Explorer Time Series tab - bar chart
IA Data Explorer Time Series tab - stacked bar chart

Ranked Bar Chart

The ranked bar chart shows the data for a single date for the selected indicator, with a bar for each feature in the active geography. The end user can change the selected geography, date, filter the features or download the chart as an image.

IA Data Explorer Ranked Bar Chart tab


The metadata tab displays the description and the full set of metadata for the selected indicator. This can be download as a CSV file using the download button.

IA Data Explorer Metadata tab