Data Catalog | Metadata

Metadata is data about data . In an InstantAtlas Data Catalog this is held at Indicator and (optionally) the Instance levels and stored in an accompanying table in your ArcGIS Online account. Metadata is held for a number of standard terms (or keys) – these are detailed in the table below.

Description A description of the data held in the indicator.
Subject The area that the indicator covers, e.g. the number of persons aged 16-29 has subject Population Estimates
Source The original source of the data – will usually include a link to the source, if this is available
Last Published The date/time the indicator was last published (either to an API or as static data) by the publisher.
Spatial The geographical areas that the data is available for (e.g. most English education data is available for Upper Tier Local Authorities, Regions and Countries).
Temporal The time period covered by the data, e.g. 2012-2017.
Rights The rights under which the data is made available, e.g. Open Government Licence v3.0.
Keywords A list of words or short phrases to describe the data (to assist with searches).
Issued Date of formal issuance of the data.
Last Revised The date/time the values for the indicator were last checked or revised by the publisher.
Last Updated The date/time the indicator was last updated in the data catalog (the upload or refresh date).
Creator The organization that collected/collated the data.
Publisher The organization responsible for publishing the data.
Update Frequency The frequency at which the dataset is updated, e.g. annual, quarterly, monthly
Status The status of the indicator e.g. ‘Current (being actively updated)’ or ‘No further updates expected’.
Methodology A description of the method used to create the dataset, usually as a link to the relevant methodology document.