IA National Data Service – June 2024 Update

Children & Young People

Early Years data was updated 20th June with data for 2022/23


Crime data was updated on 12th of June with data for Apr 2024.

Economy & Employment

Universal Credit data was updated on 15th of June (with an update for Apr 2024 and data for May 2024).

Claimant Count data was updated on 12th of June (with an update for Apr 2024 and data for May 2024).


Waste data was updated on 18th of June with data for 2022/23


IA National Data Service – May 2024 Update


Crime data was updated on 13th of May with data for Mar 2024.

Economy & Employment

Universal Credit data was updated on 24th of May (with an update for Mar 2024 and data for Apr 2024).

Claimant Count data was updated on 21st of May (with an update for Mar 2024 and data for Apr 2024).

IA National Data Service – April 2024 Update

Children & Young People

Early Years data was updated on 28th April with 2022/2023 data. We have also provided additional indicators for 2021/2022 and 2022/2023.

Please note that as part of wider reforms to the EYFS, the EYFS profile was revised significantly in September 2021. It is therefore not possible to directly compare 2021/22 assessment outcomes with earlier years. As a result we deprecated several indicators as they have been superseded by new indicators from the revised EYFS profile.

All deprecated/superseded indicators can be found in our list of deprecated indicators.


Crime data was updated on 20th of April with data for Feb 2024.

Economy & Employment

Universal Credit data was updated on 19th of April (with an update for Feb 2024 and data for Mar 2024).

Claimant Count data was updated on 18th of April (with an update for Feb 2024 and data for Mar 2024).

Annual Population Survey data was updated on 28th of April with data up to Jan-Dec 2023.


Emissions dataset: scale factor error in emissions per km² and emissions per persons indicators fixed on 28th April. These indicators are now showing as tonnes per km² and tonnes per person respectively.


Small Area Population Estimates was updated on 3rd May with data for 2021 and 2022.

IA National Data Service – March 2024 Update


Crime data was updated on 25th of March with data for Jan 2024.

Economy & Employment

Universal Credit data was updated on 19th of March (with an update for Jan 2024 and data for Feb 2024).

Claimant Count data was updated on 15th of March (with an update for Jan 2024 and data for Feb 2024).


Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework data was updated on 9th of March with data for 2022- 2023. 


Housing stock data has been updated on 7th March with data for 2022 and 2023.

Council Tax Band data has been updated on 21st March with data for 2022 and 2023.

Net housing addition data has been updated on 25th March with data for 2022.

IA National Data Service – February 2024 Update

Children & Young People

Key Stage 2 data was updated on 1st March with data now available up to 2023.


Crime data (Dec 2023) was updated on 13th of February.

Economy & Employment

Universal Credit data was updated on 7th of February (with an update for Nov 2023 and data for Dec 2023)  and again on 19th of February (with an update for Dec 2023 and data for Jan 2024). Metadata information was improved on 7th of February.

Claimant Count data was updated on 14th of February (with an update for Dec 2023 and data for Jan 2024).

Business Counts were updated on 1st of March with data for 2023.


Metadata for the  Low Income Families dataset was improved on 7th of February.


Population Estimates for Regions were republished on 7th of February. We noticed that some duplicates had appeared in the data, confusing the region values within the system so we have refreshed these with the correct values.

IA National Data Service – January 2024 Update

This update covers December 2023 and January 2024.

Children & Young People

Free School Meal data detailing pupil eligibility over a prior 6 year period was added on 2nd January. Data has been added from the 2015/16 school year through to 2022/23.


Crime data (Nov 2023) was updated on 5th of January.

Economy & Employment

Universal Credit data was updated on 19th of December (with an update for Sep 2023 and data for Oct and Nov 2023).

Claimant Count data was updated on 19th of December (with an update for Sep 2023 and data for Oct and Nov 2023) and again on 16th January (with an update for Nov 2023 and data for Dec 2023).

Apprenticeships data was updated on 12th of January to include data for 2021-2022 and 2022-2023. We also fixed the data for the Country geography for 2020-2021.


The Renewables dataset (2022) was updated on 2nd of January.

The Emissions dataset (2021) was updated on 12th January. On 24th of January we released a fix for missing County level values.

As part of this update we deprecated some indicators of the emission dataset. All deprecated indicators can be found in our list of deprecated indicators.


The Wellbeing dataset (2022-2023) was updated on 3rd of January.


Population Estimates for 2022 were added on 15th of January for Local Authorities and higher level geographies. We also updated all population estimates indicators of these geographies with rebased figures back to 2012. As the changes to historic values are small, we made the decision to not recalculate Claimant Count rates, Universal Credit rates and Crime rates for the years 2012 to 2021.

IA National Data Service – December 2023 Update

This update covers multiple months:


Datasets that received updates:

  • Low Income Families
  • Health – fixes
  • Crime

Note on Crime – there have been some issues with the source data requiring additional processing checks. We aim to bring this dataset up to date in December.


Datasets that received updates:

  • Universal Credit (August + July update)
  • Claimant Count (August + July update)
  • Waste Data ( minor fix)
  • Dwellings data ( might just have been a fix too)

October / November

We have experienced some issues with changes to geographies used in the service that have led to data not passing our quality assurance checks. We expect to get the updates back on track through December and January.


Population Estimates

We are aware that the mid-2022 national and subnational population estimates for England were published last month. Our target is to add these to the National Data service by the end of December.


IA Data Explorer 2.2.0 – 29 Sep 2023 Release Notes

List of changes

Filter modal window

When the Filter button on the Data Explorer home page is clicked, the filter modal window now opens instantly. Prior to this update, this window could take 10 seconds or more to appear.

Data Explorer filter modal window

Decimal places

Up until this update, the Data Explorer had no capability to enforce a consistent number of decimal places for numerical data values. In other words, the application would simply display the values stored in the feature service in ArcGIS. An example is shown below – in the 2013 columns there are values displayed with 0, 1 and 2 decimal places (this is how the values appear in the underlying feature service).

Data Explorer data table with inconsistent decimal places

From this update, the Data Explorer will now look for a field with a name of DecimalPlaces in the metadata table for the data catalog. If this is found, the Data Explorer will use the values in this field to set the display decimal places for each indicator. In the example above, if the decimal places field contained a 2 for the Persons age group 0-4% indicator, all data values in the table would be displayed to two decimal places. If there is no decimal places field in the metadata table, the Data Explorer will revert to displaying the values as they are defined in the underlying feature service.

Metadata ordering

Control over the display of metadata in the Data Explorer has been improved. Using the Metadata Fields setting in the application configuration, the owner can control the list of fields that will be displayed in the Data Explorer, irrespective of whether the fields in the metadata table were supplied as standard, or were subsequently added as custom fields. There is now also complete control over the order in which metadata fields are displayed, simply by changing the order in the configuration setting. Again, it is possible to reorder elements irrespective of whether they are standard or custom fields.

Data Explorer metadata tab displaying custom fields

Data export

The data export has been improved so that it now contains custom as well as standard metadata fields. Also, when the Data Explorer is running in the German locale, the CSV export format now opens correctly in Excel (; as delimiter).

German text

Minor changes have been made to the interface text when running the Data Explorer in German.

We hope you will enjoy the new version of Data Explorer!

If you have any questions relating to this release please contact support@instantatlas.com.

IA National Data Service – July 2023 Update


Crime data (May 2023) was updated on 14th of July.

Economy & Employment

Claimant Count for May (updated) and June (new) was updated on 11th of July.

Universal Credit for May (updated) and June (new) was updated on 11th of July. Except for the employment status based indicators which are available until May (new) as these are released in arrears.

Business Demographics (2016 to 2021) was updated on 24th of July.


Public Health Outcomes Framework (as at 19th of June) was updated on 24th of July.


House Prices (Jan – Dec 2022) was updated on 24th of July.

IA National Data Service – June 2023 Update


Crime data (Apr 2023) was updated on 14th of June.

Economy & Employment

Claimant Count (May 2023) was updated on 14th of June.

Universal Credit (May 2023) was updated on 14th of June.


The Household vacant dwelling data was updated on 19th of June.