Publishing a Report with Points

The InstantAtlas installation includes digital map files for users who wish to create a report with points as the base layer or contextual geography. We strongly recommend that you follow the instructions and publish the Edinburgh postal sectors report first.

There is one point map file for people who are using the Edinburgh postal dataset which is called post_code_sectors_centroids.shp. This shapefile contains the centroids of the Edinburgh post code sector polygons.

There is also an equivalent point map file for people who are using the Louisiana data called louisiana_parishes_centroids.shp. It contains the centroids of the Louisiana parish polygons.

Both point map files are located in the InstantAtlas ‘maps’ folder. The default path to this is:

C:\Program Files\EsriUK\InstantAtlas\maps\

It is especially useful to use a point map file when creating an example report using the Double Base Layer template.