Editing Map Palettes

Click ‘Palettes’ if you wish to edit the palettes or colour schemes used to shade the maps in your dynamic reports. The ‘Map Palettes & Colour Schemes’ dialog will open.

The ‘Standard number of classes’ box defines the number of classes shown in the Quantile, Equal Interval and Natural Breaks legends when your report opens. Similarly, the ‘Maximum number of classes’ box determines the maximum number of classes that can be displayed. Below these settings you will see that there are two tabs: ‘Palettes (numeric data)’ and ‘Colour Schemes (textual data)’. The Palettes are used for numerical data and the Colour Schemes are used for categorical data.

To add a palette, click the ‘Add’ button. To remove a palette, click its name in the ‘Name’ column to highlight it and click the ‘Remove’ button. To move a palette up or down, click its name in the ‘Name’ column to highlight it and click the ‘Up’ or ‘Down’ button. To edit the colours for a palette, simply click on the colour array in the ‘Colours’ column. The ‘Edit colours’ dialog will open.

Click the ‘Add’ button to add a colour. To remove a colour, click its cell in the ‘Index’ column to highlight it and click the ‘Remove’ button. To move a colour up or down in the order, click its cell in the ‘Index’ column to highlight it and then click the ‘Up’ or ‘Down’ button. If you add a colour, or click an existing colour, the ‘Pick a colour’ dialog will appear. You can use the options under any of the tabs to choose your colour.

Click ‘OK’ when you are satisfied with your choice. Click ‘Cancel’ if you wish to discard you changes and close the dialog or ‘Reset’ if you wish to return to the original colour.

InstantAtlas reports will shade the map by interpolating between the first and last colours in the active palette if the number of classes displayed in the report exceeds the number of colours in the palette colour array.
Click the ‘Colour Schemes (textual data)’ tab to view the existing colour schemes. You can add and remove colour schemes and colours in exactly the same way as for palettes.