If you view the properties for a button component (e.g. the Data button), you will get a tab called ‘Links’.
For the default buttons in a dynamic report, the value in the URL box will start ‘javascript’, followed by the name of a script function. You can use the following JavaScript functions to toggle the report components:
javascript:iaToggle(map) | Toggles map visibility |
javascript:iaToggle(timeSeries) | Toggles time series chart visibility |
javascript:iaToggle(discreteTimeSeries) | Toggles discrete time series chart |
javascript:iaToggle(stackedTimeSeries) | Toggles time series chart |
javascript:iaToggle(stackedLegend) | Toggles stacked legend |
javascript:iaToggle(barChart) | Toggles bar chart visibility |
javascript:iaToggle(boxAndWhisker) | Toggles box and whisker chart visibility |
javascript:iaToggle(pieChart) | Toggles pie chart visibility |
javascript:iaToggle(areaBreakdownBarChart) | Toggles area breakdown bar chart visibility |
javascript:iaToggle(areaBreakdownPieChart) | Toggles area breakdown pie chart visibility |
javascript:iaToggle(areaBreakdownPieLegend) | Toggles area breakdown pie chart legend visibility |
javascript:iaToggle(metadata) | Toggles metadata visibility |
javascript:iaToggle(table) | Toggles table visibility |
javascript:iaToggle(comparisonTable) | Toggles comparison table visibility |
javascript:iaToggle(legend) | Toggles legend visibility |
javascript:iaToggle(featureLegend) | Toggles feature legend visibility |
javascript:iaToggle(dataExplorer) | Toggles data explorer visibility |
javascript:iaToggle(filterExplorer) | Toggles filter explorer visibility |
javascript:iaToggle(geogExplorer) | Toggles geography explorer visibility |
javascript:iaToggle(scatterPlot) | Toggles scatter plot visibility |
javascript:iaToggle(statsbox) | Toggles statistics box visibility |
javascript:iaToggle(menuBar) | Toggles menu bar visibility |
javascript:iaToggle(spineChart) | Toggles spine chart visibility |
javascript:iaToggle(profileLegend) | Toggles area profile visibility |
javascript:iaToggle(timeControl) | Toggles time series control visibility |
javascript:iaToggle(pyramidChart) | Toggles pyramid chart visibility |
javascript:iaToggle(pyramidLegend) | Toggles pyramid legend visibility |
javascript:iaToggle(featureCard) | Toggles feature card visibility |
Other JavaScript functions:
javascript:iaOpenPrintPreview() | Opens print preview window |
javascript:iaToggleShare() | Opens the Share dialog pop-up |
javascript:iaToggleProfileTree() | Expands or collapses the themes in the Area Profile |
javascript:iaTogglePopup(…) | Opens a file in a pop-up window, enter file path into the brackets |
You can also call multiple JavaScript functions using a semicolon delimited list.
Example: javascript:iaToggle(dataExplorer);iaToggle(filterExplorer)
All JavaScript functions mentioned above can be used either within a button or as a Menu Bar item.
The Help link is by default not set up as a standard button but as an item in the Menu Bar component. If you prefer this to be a button you can simply insert a custom button and enter ‘./help.htm’ or the link to your own help file in the button URL.
Note that if you intend to move the report folder at a later stage, we recommend you put all the files you are linking to into the report folder and use relative pathnames to link to them. The relative pathname for any file located in the report folder is ‘./’. So if you wanted your button to link to a PDF called my_file.pdf located in the report folder, you would type ‘./my_file.pdf’ into the URL box.
The Target value can be selected from the pick list by clicking the down arrow. This determines how the file being linked to will open.
Target Value | File Being Linked to Opens in…. |
_blank | A new window |
_self | The same window as the report (replaces the report) |
_parent | For use in a framed environment. Will open in the parent frame |
_top | For use in a framed environment. Will open in the top frame |