Improvements to the Area Profile template
Spine Chart: Calculate percentage difference from comparison values
It is now possible to let the report calculate the percentage difference (% diff) used to plot the horizontal bars using a comparison feature. For this functionality, the Spine Chart has gained an additional setting in the config.xml file called Comparison Id For Calculating Bar Value. Enter here the code of the comparison feature as defined in column A of your Geographies and Filters worksheet (if using the Excel Data Manager) but without the # character.
As in this case you are not providing an associate with the % diff values, you should change the Bar Data property to ‘value’ (or a relevant associate column name). The same column will be used for the comparison feature.
If the new property is filled with a valid comparison ID, the percentage difference values will be calculated using the following formula:
100 * ((base area indicator value – comparator value) / comparator value)
It is currently not possible to display the calculated % diff values as numbers in a separate column of the Spine Chart.
The default setting of the Spine Chart is still to use an associate called ‘diff’ as the data source for the horizontal bars. This allows the administrator to calculate those values in a different way.
Comparison values shown as targets
Each target in the Spine Chart properties in the config.xml file has gained a setting called Target X Use Comparison Feature (where X is the number of the target 1-4). If you enter the code of a comparison area (without the # character), the position of the defined target symbol will be determined by the values of this comparison feature rather than by an associate of the selected base feature.
In most cases, administrators will want the indicator value of the comparison feature to be used rather than an associate value, hence you should enter ‘value’ into the Target X Data property (where X is the number of the target 1-4). Alternatively, you can pick up associate values of the specified comparison feature. In this case enter the name of the associate column you wish to use.
Health Profile: Use comparison values as the centred average line
The Heath Profile configuration can make use of the previous enhancement (see Comparison values shown as targets) and utilise a target fed from a comparison feature as the average line around which the shaded ranges are centred.
Additional to setting up the target as described above, the health profile needs to be informed about which comparison feature is to be used for centring the shaded ranges. This is done using an additional parameter in the health(…) function that defines the content of this column:
As of version 6.10.0 it is possible to include a comparison area into the Spine Chart table as a column, so the national comparison feature can be added to the table by entering its code into the Name column of the Data Columns section in the Spine Chart properties in the Designer.
This is now the new default setup of the Health Profile configuration. Customers of InstantAtlas can download a matching example Excel workbook from here (you will be asked to login using your Resource Library account credentials). After upgrading, this Excel workbook can also be found in the installation directory of the InstantAtlas Desktop software in a subfolder called workbooks.
Chart improvements
When a minimum and maximum is defined for the y-axis of a chart (using minChartValue and maxChartValue in the Metadata), the values displayed in between the minimum and maximum will be – as much as possible – rounded values, depending on the data and the minimum and maximum values provided.
The image below shows an example of this improvement:
This means that the defined minumum and maximum values might not be part of the axis labels. If it is required to show the actual minimum and maximum values as labels, the property Match Axis to Data? can be used to force this.
For the Bar Chart, if zero is not part of the y-axis labels and hence does not have a horizontal grid line in the chart, a thin, light grey line is now drawn to show the zero position. This is beneficial when plotting positive and negative values in the chart.
Fixed Map Search Tool
The built-in search code needed updating as the ArcGIS API for searching has changed. The bounding box of the search area was also corrected in the process.
Please find below a list with the current version numbers of all InstantAtlas Desktop software parts. A star indicates the parts that have been updated in this release:
Installer | 6.10.1 * |
Publisher | 6.10.0 |
Designer | 6.10.0 |
Style Editor | 6.10.0 |
HTML Templates | 6.10.1 * |
Excel Data Manager | 6.10.1 * |
Access Data Manager | 6.10.0 |
Upgrading to 6.10.1 HTML Templates (applies to customers only)
- Access the Resource Library by logging in to the InstantAtlas Resource Library at
- If you have not already registered for an account, you should click the New User option.
- Download the installer file (.exe) from the Desktop Maintenance area to the computer(s) with your current InstantAtlas installation(s).
- Double-click the file to run the installer. Choose a language for the installation. The standard installation is recommended for most users. The advanced installation essentially allows you to install additional language features (French, German and Spanish).
- Navigieren Sie zu um sich bei der InstantAtlas Ressourcensammlung einzuloggen.
- Falls Sie sich noch nicht registriert haben, sollten Sie auf den Link „New User“ klicken.
- Laden Sie die Installationsdatei (.exe) aus dem Maintenance-Bereich herunter und speichern Sie diese auf dem Computer auf dem derzeit InstantAtlas installiert ist.
- Starten Sie die Datei mit einem Doppelklick. Wählen Sie eine Sprache für die Installation aus. Für die meisten Benutzer wird empfohlen, die Standardinstallation durchzuführen. Die erweiterte Installation ermöglicht Ihnen hauptsächlich, weitere Sprachmodule (Französisch und Spanisch) zu installieren.
- Navige a para entrar en su cuenta Biblioteca de Recursos InstantAtlas
- Si no tiene una cuenta Biblioteca de Recursos, haga clic en la opción New User.
- Descargue el fichero de instalación (.exe) en el ordenador(es) con su instalación(es) actual de
- Haga clic-doble en el fichero de instalación. La instalación estándar conviene a la mayoría de los usuarios. La instalación avanzada sobre todo permite la instalación de otros idiomas (francés o alemán).
Compatibility Notes
Compatibility Between Reports of the Same HTML Template but Different Versions
You may wish to publish a version 6.10.1 HTML dynamic report to benefit from the enhancements/bug fixes but retain the data and custom design that you created for an older HTML report. Of the files that contain the data/design, some can be safely copied over from an older report while others cannot. The table in the sections below show which files can safely be copied into a version 6.10.1 report.
File | Notes |
Data files (data.js and supporting theme files) | Yes, can be copied to a v6.10.1 report |
Stylesheet (default.css) | Yes, can be copied to a v6.10.1 report. Note that the old style sheet will not contain new settings which were introduced in newer versions.1 |
Configuration file (config.xml) | Yes, can be copied to a v6.10.1 report. Note that the old configuration file will not contain new settings or components which were introduced in newer versions. If you wish to make use of these, please use the Configuration File Converter within the Resource Library to update your old config.xml file. |
1 If you are using map labels and your old stylesheet is of version 6.6.0 or 6.6.1 you will not be able to copy it into a 6.10.1 report as the labels may not appear as expected.