IA National Data Service – May 2022 Update


March 2022 monthly and 12 monthly rolling average data were uploaded on the 12th of April.

Economy & Employment

Claimant Count (April2022) was last updated on the 17th of May.

People in Universal Credit data for April 2022 is now available on the Data Catalog. The latest release was published on AGOL on the 19th of May.


IA National Data Service – April 2022 Update


February 2022 monthly and 12 monthly rolling average data were uploaded on the 3rd of March.

Economy & Employment

Claimant Count (March 2022) was last updated on the 12th of April.

People in Universal Credit data for March 2022 is now available on the Data Catalog. The latest release was published on AGOL on the 13th of April.

Annual Population Survey – APS – (Jan 2021-Dec 2021) were last updated on the 14th of April.

As a quick reminder, the Annual Population Survey is a residence-based labour market survey encompassing population, economic activity (employment and unemployment), economic inactivity and qualifications. These are broken down where possible by gender, age, ethnicity, industry and occupation. Available at Local Authority level and above. The APS is updated quarterly.


The PHOF latest release was updated on the 9th of April. A comprehensive list of all updates is available here.


ONS house pricing has been updated on the 5th of April.


Minor adjustments have been applied to the GLA population estimates. Adjusted figures were made available from the 7th of April. GLA Demography produces a variety of different types of population projections for London area in order to meet the needs of a wide range of users.


IA National Data Service – March 2022 Update


January 2022 monthly and 12 monthly rolling average data were uploaded on the 10th of March. February 2022 data has been updated in the first days of April.

Economy & Employment

Claimant Count (February 2022) was last updated on the 22nd of March.

People in Universal Credit data for February 2022 is now available on the Data Catalog. The latest release was published on AGOL on the 18th of March.

IA National Data Service – February 2022 Update


January 2022 data was not published during the course of February 2022.

Economy & Employment

Claimant Count (January 2022) was last updated on the 16th of February.

People in Universal Credit data for January 2022 is now available on the Data Catalog. The latest release was published on AGOL on the 17th of February.


Key Stage 4 Results for the academic year 20120/21 were released. This release has kept as the measure in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic as a separate dataset. For 2020/21, pupils were only assessed on the content they had been taught for each course. Schools were given flexibility to decide how to assess their pupils’ performance, for example, through mock exams, class tests, and non-exam assessment already completed. GCSE grades were then determined by teachers based on the range of evidence available and they are referred to as teacher-assessed grades, or TAGs. This is a different process to that of 2019/20 when pupils were awarded either a centre assessment grade (known as CAGs, based on what the school or college believed the pupil would most likely have achieved had exams gone ahead) or their calculated grade using a model developed by Ofqual – whichever was the higher of the two.

The changes to the way GCSE grades have been awarded over the last two years (with CAGs and TAGs replacing exams) mean 2020/21 pupil attainment data should not be directly compared to pupil attainment data from previous years for the purposes of measuring year on year changes in pupil performance.

For additional information, please consult the website:


IA National Data Service – January 2022 Update


December 2021 monthly and 12 monthly rolling average data was updated on the 31st of January.

Economy & Employment

Claimant Count (December 2021) was last updated on the 18th of January.

People in Universal Credit data for December 2021 is now available on the Data Catalog. The latest release was published on AGOL on the 20th of January.

The Annual Population Survey (APS) for Oct 2020 – Sep 2021 was published on the 20th of January. The APS is a residence-based labour market survey that collects information on population, economic activity (employment and unemployment), economic inactivity and qualifications. These are broken down where possible by gender, age, ethnicity, industry and occupation. Available at Local Authority level and above, this dataset is updated quarterly.

The Business Demographics Data for 2020 was published on the 10th of January.


Updated data on Journey Times to key services were published on 10th of January.

IA National Data Service – December 2021 Data Update


November 2021 monthly and 12 monthly rolling average data was updated at the beginning of January due to the Christmas Break.

Economy & Employment

Claimant Count (November 2021) was last updated on the 14th of December.

People in Universal Credit data for November 2021 is now available on the Data Catalog. The latest release was published on AGOL on the 15th of December.


Indicators from the Public Health API website have been updated on the 24th of December. This updated over 1500 different measures, including numerators, denominators and confidence intervals.

Please find an extract of profiles and measure updated in December below:

    • Child and Maternal Healthcare: multiples measures about early years, mortality, pregnancy and birth and school-age at different levels.
    • Cancer Services: From 2020/21, the bowel screening indicators have been extracted using a different methodology from previous data.
    • Sexual and Reproductive Health: All 17 HIV indicators have been updated to include 2020 data and revision of previously published data to reflect clinic or laboratory resubmissions and improvements to data cleaning. Therefore, data may differ from previous publications.

Three of these HIV indicators are new:

      • HIV diagnosed prevalence rate per 1,000 population aged 15 years and over
      • New HIV diagnoses among persons first diagnosed in the UK rate per 100,000 aged 15 years and over
      • Antiretroviral therapy (ART) coverage in adults accessing HIV care (%)

A subset of indicators concerning the Reproductive Health and Teenage Pregnancy domains have been also updated with the most recent data.

All 14 STI indicators relating to GUMCAD and CTAD data have been updated to include 2020 data. Two of these STI indicators have been modified to better          reflect the benefit of STI screening at person level:

      • STI testing positivity (excluding chlamydia aged <25) %
      • STI testing rate (excluding chlamydia aged <25) / 100,000

For more information, please visit the Fingertips website.

IA National Data Service – October 2021 Data Update


September 2021 monthly and 12 monthly rolling average data was released at the beginning of October and updated and published on AGOL with relative reports on the 01st of October.

Economy & Employment

Claimant Count (September 2021) was last updated on the 12th of October. All affected reports were published by the 13th of October.

The Annual Population Survey (APS) for Jul 2020 – Jun 2021 was published on the 13th of October. The APS is a residence-based labour market survey that collects information on population, economic activity (employment and unemployment), economic inactivity and qualifications. These are broken down where possible by gender, age, ethnicity, industry and occupation. Available at Local Authority level and above, this dataset is updated quarterly.

Topics covered in the APS dataset include:

    • Country of birth
    • Disability level
    • Economic activity (employment, unemployment and economic activity)
    • Ethnic group
    • Health problems
    • Hours worked weekly
    • Industry of employment
    • Job-related training
    • National identity and Welsh language
    • Nationality
    • Occupation of employment
    • Public and private sector employment
    • Qualifications

ASHE – Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings – Indicators (2020) were published on AGOL on the 28th of October. This dataset includes information on weekly and annual pay for full and part-time workers. Disaggregation available by gender.

People in Universal Credit data up till September 2021 is now available on the Data Catalog. Latest release was published on AGOL on the 25th of October.

Experimental Small Area Income Estimates have been published on the 15th of October. These indicators give an experimental measure of gross and net income using data from HM Revenue and Customs’ (HMRC) Pay As You Earn (PAYE), Self-Assessment and the Department for Work and Pensions’ (DWP) benefit systems.

Business Counts (2021) were updated on the 6th of October.


Council Tax Bands and affected reports have been updated on the 6th of October. Dwelling Types have been published on the 15th of October.

Public Health Outcomes Framework:

The PHOF latest release was updated on the 18th of October. A comprehensive list of all updates is available here.

IA National Data Service – September 2021 Data Update


August 2021 monthly and 12 monthly rolling average data was released only at the beginning of October. Data updates will figure in the October blog update.

Economy & Employment

Claimant Count (August 2021) was last updated on the 14th of September. All affected reports were published by the 16th of September.

The Annual Population Survey (APS) for Apr 2020-Mar 2021 was published on the 17th of September. The APS is a residence-based labour market survey that collects information on population, economic activity (employment and unemployment), economic inactivity and qualifications. These are broken down where possible by gender, age, ethnicity, industry and occupation. Available at Local Authority level and above, this dataset is updated quarterly.


The Population estimates for small area based by single year of age have been updated on the 16th of September. The latest referral year is 2020.


Data from the 2021 School Census was added to the National Data Service on the 7th of September. This release contains information on pupil characteristics including:

    • Free School Meals (FSM) eligibility
    • English as an additional language
    • Ethnicity
    • Special Educational Needs or Education, Health and Care Plan

IA National Data Service – August 2021 Data Update


June and July 2021 monthly and 12 monthly rolling average data was released both in July. The latest July data update was published on the 31st of August and related reports were published on the 1st of September.

Economy & Employment

Claimant Count (July 2021) was last updated on the 17th of August. All affected reports were published by the 17th of August.


Fuel Poverty Data for the year 2019/20 was last amended on the 13th of August introducing new Low-Income Low Energy Efficiency (LILEE) metric of fuel poverty that was adopted in the last year of publication.

The sub-regional estimates for 2019 are the first to be published using the LILEE metric. It should be noted these are not directly comparable with previous estimates made for sub-regional fuel poverty under the Low Income High Costs (LIHC) definition. The 2019 LILEE sub-regional fuel poverty model is based on the following seven variables, derived from public and commercial sources:

    • Tenure-owner-occupied, private rented, social rented (Experian)
    • Dwelling age – pre-1919, 1919 to 1944, 1945 to 1980, post-1980 (Experian)
    • Household composition (Experian)
    • Mosaic household classifications by postcode
    • 15 socio-economic groups as detailed in the Mosaic guide4 (Experian)
    • Dwelling type – terraced, detached, semi-detached, bungalow, flat (Experian)
    • Government office region (Experian)
    • Proportion of households with no qualifications per COA (2011 Census)

A household is considered to be fuel poor following the LILEE metric if it is living in a property with an energy efficiency rating of band D, E, F or G as determined by the most up-to-date Fuel Poverty Energy Efficiency Rating (FPEER) Methodology and its disposable income (income after housing costs (AHC) and energy needs) would be below the poverty line.

Please be reminded that fuel poverty is measured based on required energy bills rather than actual spending. This ensures that households that have low energy bills simply because they actively limit their use of energy at home, for example by not heating their home, are not overlooked.


IA National Data Service – July 2021 Data Update


June 2021 monthly and 12 monthly rolling average data was released only at the beginning of July. Data updates will figure in the August blog update.

Economy & Employment

Claimant Count (June 2021) was last updated on the 15th of July. All affected reports were published by the 17th of July.

Gross Value Added (GVA) for the year 2019 was updated on the 6th of July.

In the economic accounts, the economy is split into institutional sectors, that is, units broadly grouped according to their role in the economy. The GVA measures the increase in the value of the economy due to the production of goods and services. It is measured at current basic prices, which include the effect of inflation, excluding taxes (less subsidies) on products. GVA plus taxes (less subsidies) on products is equivalent to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) [Source ONS: UK Regional Accounts Methodology Guide].


Data from the latest PHOF (Public Health Outcome Framework) update, specifically July 2021, was published on the 22nd of July.

This update concerns 4 indicators. In detail:

    • C26a – Cumulative percentage of the eligible population aged 40 to 74 offered an NHS Health Check
    • C26b – Cumulative percentage of the eligible population aged 40 to 74 offered an NHS Health check who received an NHS Health Check
    • C26c – Cumulative percentage of the eligible population aged 40 to 74 who received an NHS Health Check
    • E15 – Estimated dementia diagnosis rate (aged 65 and over)

On the 22nd of July, a new set of indicators was also added to the National Data Service in relation to Child and Maternal Health. This edition includes a series of measures that can be grouped into the following main categories:

    • Breastfeeding
    • Early Years
    • Early Years supplementary indicators
    • Health behaviours in 15 years old
    • Long term conditions and complex health needs
    • Mortality
    • Oral Health
    • Pregnancy and birth
    • School-age Children
    • School-Age Children supplementary indicators
    • Unintentional injuries
    • Vulnerable children and young people
    • Young people supplementary indicators